Who Founded Kinder Logs? Is The Owner A Collector? - Kinder Logs

Who Founded Kinder Logs? Is The Owner A Collector?

Rajiv Dhiman, the founder of Kinder Logs, has been collecting diecast cars for the past 27 years. His passion for these miniature replicas of real vehicles has driven him to become an expert in the field of diecast car collecting.

What Makes Rajiv Dhiman a Diecast Collector Extraordinaire?

Rajiv Dhiman's extensive collection of diecast cars spans various brands, scales, and models. With over 2000 diecast cars in his possession, he has a wealth of knowledge about the history and intricacies of each piece in his collection.

Why Choose Kinder Logs for Diecast Car Collecting?

As the founder of Kinder Logs, Rajiv Dhiman has curated a selection of diecast cars that cater to both novice collectors and seasoned enthusiasts. With a focus on quality, authenticity, and rarity, Kinder Logs offers a unique opportunity for collectors to expand their collections with carefully selected pieces.

What Sets Rajiv Dhiman Apart in the World of Diecast Car Collecting?

Rajiv Dhiman's dedication to diecast car collecting goes beyond mere acquisition. He actively engages with the diecast car community, sharing his expertise, insights, and passion for these miniature marvels. His commitment to preserving the history and artistry of diecast cars sets him apart as a true connoisseur in the field.

Whether you're a diecast car collector looking to enhance your collection or simply intrigued by the world of miniature vehicles, Rajiv Dhiman's Kinder Logs offers a unique perspective on the art of diecast car collecting.

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